

theorem LSeries.term_sum_apply {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {f : ι} (S : Finset ι) (s : ) (n : ) :
LSeries.term (∑ iS, f i) s n = iS, LSeries.term (f i) s n
theorem LSeries.term_sum {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {f : ι} (S : Finset ι) (s : ) :
LSeries.term (∑ iS, f i) s = iS, LSeries.term (f i) s
theorem LSeriesHasSum.sum {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {s : } {f : ι} (S : Finset ι) {a : ι} (hf : iS, LSeriesHasSum (f i) s (a i)) :
LSeriesHasSum (∑ iS, f i) s (∑ iS, a i)
theorem LSeriesSummable.sum {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {s : } {f : ι} (S : Finset ι) (hf : iS, LSeriesSummable (f i) s) :
LSeriesSummable (∑ iS, f i) s
theorem LSeries_sum {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {s : } {f : ι} (S : Finset ι) (hf : iS, LSeriesSummable (f i) s) :
LSeries (∑ iS, f i) s = iS, LSeries (f i) s
theorem LSeriesHasSum.sum' {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {s : } {f : ι} [Fintype ι] {a : ι} (hf : ∀ (i : ι), LSeriesHasSum (f i) s (a i)) :
LSeriesHasSum (∑ i : ι, f i) s (∑ i : ι, a i)

The version of LSeriesHasSum.sum for Fintype.sum.

theorem LSeriesSummable.sum' {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {s : } {f : ι} [Fintype ι] (hf : ∀ (i : ι), LSeriesSummable (f i) s) :
LSeriesSummable (∑ i : ι, f i) s

The version of LSeriesSummable.sum for Fintype.sum.

theorem LSeries_sum' {ι : Type u_1} [DecidableEq ι] {s : } {f : ι} [Fintype ι] (hf : ∀ (i : ι), LSeriesSummable (f i) s) :
LSeries (∑ i : ι, f i) s = i : ι, LSeries (f i) s

The version of LSeries_sum for Fintype.sum.

Statement of a version of the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem #

A version of the Wiener-Ikehara Tauberian Theorem: If f is a nonnegative arithmetic function whose L-series has a simple pole at s = 1 with residue A and otherwise extends continuously to the closed half-plane re s ≥ 1, then ∑ n < N, f n is asymptotic to A*N.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    The L-function of a Dirichlet character does not vanish on Re(s) = 1 #

    theorem one_lt_re_of_pos {x : } (y : ) (hx : 0 < x) :
    1 < (1 + x).re 1 < (1 + x + Complex.I * y).re 1 < (1 + x + 2 * Complex.I * y).re

    We use ζ to denote the Riemann zeta function.

    Instances For

      We use χ₁ to denote the (trivial) Dirichlet character modulo 1.

      Instances For
        theorem DirichletCharacter.LSeries_eulerProduct' {N : } (χ : DirichletCharacter N) {s : } (hs : 1 < :
        Complex.exp (∑' (p : Nat.Primes), -Complex.log (1 - χ p * p ^ (-s))) = LSeries (fun (n : ) => χ n) s

        A variant of the Euler product for Dirichlet L-series.

        theorem ArithmeticFunction.LSeries_zeta_eulerProduct' {s : } (hs : 1 < :
        Complex.exp (∑' (p : Nat.Primes), -Complex.log (1 - p ^ (-s))) = LSeries 1 s

        A variant of the Euler product for the L-series of ζ.

        theorem riemannZeta_eulerProduct' {s : } (hs : 1 < :
        Complex.exp (∑' (p : Nat.Primes), -Complex.log (1 - p ^ (-s))) = riemannZeta s

        A variant of the Euler product for the Riemann zeta function.

        theorem summable_neg_log_one_sub_char_mul_prime_cpow {N : } (χ : DirichletCharacter N) {s : } (hs : 1 < :
        Summable fun (p : Nat.Primes) => -Complex.log (1 - χ p * p ^ (-s))
        theorem re_log_comb_nonneg {a : } (ha₀ : 0 a) (ha₁ : a < 1) {z : } (hz : z = 1) :
        0 3 * (-Complex.log (1 - a)).re + 4 * (-Complex.log (1 - a * z)).re + (-Complex.log (1 - a * z ^ 2)).re

        A technical lemma showing that a certain linear combination of real parts of logarithms is nonnegative. This is used to show non-vanishing of the Riemann zeta function and of Dirichlet L-series on the line re s = 1.

        theorem DirichletCharacter.deriv_LFunction_eq_deriv_LSeries {n : } [NeZero n] (χ : DirichletCharacter n) {s : } (hs : 1 < :
        deriv (DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ) s = deriv (LSeries fun (n_1 : ) => χ n_1) s
        theorem DirichletCharacter.re_log_comb_nonneg {N : } (χ : DirichletCharacter N) {n : } (hn : 2 n) {x : } {y : } (hx : 1 < x) :
        0 3 * (-Complex.log (1 - 1 n * n ^ (-x))).re + 4 * (-Complex.log (1 - χ n * n ^ (-(x + Complex.I * y)))).re + (-Complex.log (1 - χ n ^ 2 * n ^ (-(x + 2 * Complex.I * y)))).re

        The logarithm of an Euler factor of the product L(χ^0, x)^3 * L(χ, x+I*y)^4 * L(χ^2, x+2*I*y) has nonnegative real part when s = x + I*y has real part x > 1.

        theorem DirichletCharacter.norm_LSeries_product_ge_one {N : } (χ : DirichletCharacter N) {x : } (hx : 0 < x) (y : ) :
        LSeries (fun (n : ) => 1 n) (1 + x) ^ 3 * LSeries (fun (n : ) => χ n) (1 + x + Complex.I * y) ^ 4 * LSeries (fun (n : ) => (χ ^ 2) n) (1 + x + 2 * Complex.I * y) 1

        For positive x and nonzero y we have that $|L(\chi^0, x)^3 \cdot L(\chi, x+iy)^4 \cdot L(\chi^2, x+2iy)| \ge 1$.

        theorem DirichletCharacter.LFunction_isBigO_of_ne_one_horizontal {N : } [NeZero N] {χ : DirichletCharacter N} {y : } (hy : y 0 χ 1) :
        (fun (x : ) => DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ (1 + x + Complex.I * y)) =O[nhdsWithin 0 (Set.Ioi 0)] fun (x : ) => 1
        theorem DirichletCharacter.LFunction_isBigO_near_root_horizontal {N : } [NeZero N] {χ : DirichletCharacter N} {y : } (hy : y 0 χ 1) (h : DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ (1 + Complex.I * y) = 0) :
        (fun (x : ) => DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ (1 + x + Complex.I * y)) =O[nhdsWithin 0 (Set.Ioi 0)] fun (x : ) => x

        The L function of a Dirichlet character χ does not vanish at 1 + I*t if t ≠ 0 or χ^2 ≠ 1.

        If χ is a Dirichlet character, then L(χ, 1 + I*t) does not vanish for t ∈ ℝ except when χ is trivial and t = 0 (then L(χ, s) has a simple pole at s = 1).

        theorem DirichletCharacter.Lfunction_ne_zero_of_one_le_re {N : } [NeZero N] (χ : DirichletCharacter N) ⦃s : (hχs : χ 1 s 1) (hs : 1 :

        If χ is a Dirichlet character, then L(χ, s) does not vanish for ≥ 1 except when χ is trivial and s = 1 (then L(χ, s) has a simple pole at s = 1).

        theorem riemannZeta_ne_zero_of_one_le_re ⦃z : (hz : z 1) (hz' : 1 :

        The Riemann Zeta Function does not vanish on the closed half-plane re z ≥ 1.

        The logarithmic derivative of the L-function of a trivial character has a simple pole at s = 1 with residue -1 #

        We show that s ↦ L'(χ) s / L(χ) s + 1 / (s - 1) (or rather, its negative, which is the function we need for the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem) is continuous outside the zeros of L(χ) when χ is a trivial Dirichlet character.

        The function obtained by "multiplying away" the pole of L(χ) for a trivial Dirichlet character χ. Its (negative) logarithmic derivative is used in the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem to prove the Prime Number Theorem version of Dirichlet's Theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions.

        Instances For

          The negative logarithmic derivative of a Dirichlet L-function is continuous away from the zeros of the L-function.

          The logarithmic derivative of ζ has a simple pole at s = 1 with residue -1 #

          We show that s ↦ ζ' s / ζ s + 1 / (s - 1) (or rather, its negative, which is the function we need for the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem) is continuous outside the zeros of ζ.

          noncomputable def ζ₁ :

          The function obtained by "multiplying away" the pole of ζ. Its (negative) logarithmic derivative is the function used in the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem to prove the Prime Number Theorem.

          Instances For
            theorem neg_logDeriv_ζ₁_eq {z : } (hz₁ : z 1) (hz₂ : riemannZeta z 0) :

            Proof of Lemma 9 #

            We prove Lemma 9 of Section 2 in the PNT+ Project.

            theorem WeakPNT_character {q : } [NeZero q] {a : ZMod q} (ha : IsUnit a) {s : } (hs : 1 < :
            LSeries ({n : | n = a}.indicator fun (n : ) => (ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt n)) s = -(↑q.totient)⁻¹ * χ : DirichletCharacter q, χ a⁻¹ * (deriv (DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ) s / DirichletCharacter.LFunction χ s)

            Lemma 9 of Section 2 of PNT+: The L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to the prime residue class a mod q as a linear combination of logarithmic derivatives of L functions of the Dirichlet characters mod q.

            noncomputable def weakDirichlet_auxFun (q : ) [NeZero q] (a : ZMod q) (s : ) :

            The function F used in the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem to prove Dirichlet's Theorem.

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            Instances For
              theorem weakDirichlet_auxFun_prop {q : } [NeZero q] {a : ZMod q} (ha : IsUnit a) :
              Set.EqOn (weakDirichlet_auxFun q a) (fun (s : ) => LSeries ({n : | n = a}.indicator fun (n : ) => (ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt n)) s - (↑q.totient)⁻¹ / (s - 1)) {s : | 1 <}

              (A version of) Proposition 2 of Section 2 of PNT+: the L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to the prime residue class a mod q is continuous on ≥ 1 except for a single pole at s = 1 with residue (q.totient)⁻¹.

              Derivation of the Prime Number Theorem and Dirichlet's Theorem from the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem #

              theorem Dirichlet_vonMangoldt (WIT : WienerIkeharaTheorem) {q : } [NeZero q] {a : ZMod q} (ha : IsUnit a) :
              Filter.Tendsto (fun (N : ) => (Finset.filter (fun (n : ) => n = a) (Finset.range N)).sum ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt / N) Filter.atTop (nhds (↑q.totient)⁻¹)

              The Wiener-Ikehara Theorem implies Dirichlet's Theorem in the form that ψ x ∼ q.totient⁻¹ * x, where ψ x = ∑ n < x ∧ n ≡ a mod q, Λ n and Λ is the von Mangoldt function.

              This is Theorem 2 in Section 2 of PNT+ (but using the WIT stub defined here).

              theorem PNT_vonMangoldt (WIT : WienerIkeharaTheorem) :
              Filter.Tendsto (fun (N : ) => (Finset.range N).sum ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt / N) Filter.atTop (nhds 1)

              The Wiener-Ikehara Theorem implies the Prime Number Theorem in the form that ψ x ∼ x, where ψ x = ∑ n < x, Λ n and Λ is the von Mangoldt function.