Foundational Types
Some of Lean's types are not defined in any Lean source files (even the prelude
) since they come from its foundational type theory. This page provides basic documentation for these types.
For a more in-depth explanation of Lean's type theory, refer to TPiL.
Sort u
Sort u
is the type of types in Lean, and Sort u : Sort (u + 1)
Instances For
Type u
Type u
is notation for Sort (u + 1)
is notation for Sort 0
Pi types, (a : α) → β a
The type of dependent functions is known as a pi type. Non-dependent functions and implications are a special case.
Note that these can also be written with the alternative notations:
∀ a : α, β a
, conventionally used whereβ a : Prop
.(a : α) → β a
α → γ
, possible only ifβ a = γ
for alla
Lean also permits ASCII-only spellings of the three variants:
forall a : A, B a
, for∀ a : α, β a
(a : A) -> B a
, for(a : α) → β a
A -> B
, forα → β
Note that despite not itself being a function, (→)
is available as infix notation for
fun α β, α → β