Adjunctions related to the over category #
In a category with pullbacks, for any morphism f : X ⟶ Y
, the functor f : Over X ⥤ Over Y
has a right adjoint Over.pullback f
In a category with binary products, for any object X
the functor
Over.forget X : Over X ⥤ C
has a right adjoint X
Main declarations #
Over.pullback f : Over Y ⥤ Over X
is the functor induced by a morphismf : X ⟶ Y
is the f ⊣ Over.pullback f
.star : C ⥤ Over X
is the functor induced by an objectX
is the adjunctionforget X ⊣ star X
Show star X
itself has a right adjoint provided C
is cartesian closed and has pullbacks.
In a category with pullbacks, a morphism f : X ⟶ Y
induces a functor Over Y ⥤ Over X
by pulling back a morphism along f
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Instances For f
is left adjoint to Over.pullback f
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Instances For
pullback (𝟙 X) : Over X ⥤ Over X is the identity functor.
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Instances For
pullback commutes with composition (up to natural isomorphism).
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Instances For
The functor from C
to Over X
which sends Y : C
to π₁ : X ⨯ Y ⟶ X
, sometimes denoted X*
- X = (CategoryTheory.prodComonad X).cofree.comp (CategoryTheory.coalgebraToOver X)
Instances For
The functor Over.forget X : Over X ⥤ C
has a right adjoint given by star X
Note that the binary products assumption is necessary: the existence of a right adjoint to
Over.forget X
is equivalent to the existence of each binary product X ⨯ -
- CategoryTheory.Over.forgetAdjStar X = (CategoryTheory.coalgebraEquivOver X).symm.toAdjunction.comp (CategoryTheory.prodComonad X).adj
Instances For
Note that the binary products assumption is necessary: the existence of a right adjoint to
Over.forget X
is equivalent to the existence of each binary product X ⨯ -
When C
has pushouts, a morphism f : X ⟶ Y
induces a functor Under X ⥤ Under Y
by pushing a morphism forward along f
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Instances For
Under.pushout f
is left adjoint to f
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Instances For
pushout (𝟙 X) : Under X ⥤ Under X is the identity functor.
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Instances For
pushout commutes with composition (up to natural isomorphism).
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