Prime Number Theorem And ...

4 Elementary Corollaries

Lemma 82 finsum_range_eq_sum_range

For any arithmetic function \(f\) and real number \(x\), one has

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} f(n) = \sum _{n \leq ⌊x⌋_+} f(n) \]


\[ \sum _{n {\lt} x} f(n) = \sum _{n {\lt} ⌈x⌉_+} f(n). \]


Theorem 17 chebyshev_asymptotic

One has

\[ \sum _{p \leq x} \log p = x + o(x). \]

From the prime number theorem we already have

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \Lambda (n) = x + o(x) \]

so it suffices to show that

\[ \sum _{j \geq 2} \sum _{p^j \leq x} \log p = o(x). \]

Only the terms with \(j \leq \log x / \log 2\) contribute, and each \(j\) contributes at most \(\sqrt{x} \log x\) to the sum, so the left-hand side is \(O( \sqrt{x} \log ^2 x ) = o(x)\) as required.

Corollary 8 primorial_bounds

We have

\[ \prod _{p \leq x} p = \exp ( x + o(x) ) \]

Exponentiate Theorem 17.

Theorem 18 pi_asymp

There exists a function \(c(x)\) such that \(c(x) = o(1)\) as \(x \to \infty \) and

\[ \pi (x) = (1 + c(x)) \int _2^x \frac{dt}{\log t} \]

for all \(x\) large enough.


We have the identity

\[ \pi (x) = \frac{1}{\log x} \sum _{p \leq x} \log p + \int _2^x (\sum _{p \leq t} \log p) \frac{dt}{t \log ^2 t} \]

as can be proven by interchanging the sum and integral and using the fundamental theorem of calculus. For any \(\epsilon \), we know from Theorem 17 that there is \(x_\epsilon \) such that \(\sum _{p \leq t} \log p = t + O(\epsilon t)\) for \(t \geq x_\epsilon \), hence for \(x \geq x_\epsilon \)

\[ \pi (x) = \frac{1}{\log x} (x + O(\epsilon x)) + \int _{x_\epsilon }^x (t + O(\epsilon t)) \frac{dt}{t \log ^2 t} + O_\epsilon (1) \]

where the \(O_\epsilon (1)\) term can depend on \(x_\epsilon \) but is independent of \(x\). One can evaluate this after an integration by parts as

\[ \pi (x) = (1+O(\epsilon )) \int _{x_\epsilon }^x \frac{dt}{\log t} + O_\epsilon (1) \]
\[ = (1+O(\epsilon )) \int _{2}^x \frac{dt}{\log t} \]

for \(x\) large enough, giving the claim.

Corollary 9 pi_alt

One has

\[ \pi (x) = (1+o(1)) \frac{x}{\log x} \]

as \(x \to \infty \).


An integration by parts gives

\[ \int _2^x \frac{dt}{\log t} = \frac{x}{\log x} - \frac{2}{\log 2} + \int _2^x \frac{dt}{\log ^2 t}. \]

We have the crude bounds

\[ \int _2^{\sqrt{x}} \frac{dt}{\log ^2 t} = O( \sqrt{x} ) \]


\[ \int _{\sqrt{x}}^x \frac{dt}{\log ^2 t} = O( \frac{x}{\log ^2 x} ) \]

and combining all this we obtain

\[ \int _2^x \frac{dt}{\log t} = \frac{x}{\log x} + O( \frac{x}{\log ^2 x} ) \]
\[ = (1+o(1)) \frac{x}{\log x} \]

and the claim then follows from Theorem 18.

Let \(p_n\) denote the \(n^{th}\) prime.

Proposition 3 pn_asymptotic

One has

\[ p_n = (1+o(1)) n \log n \]

as \(n \to \infty \).


Use Corollary 9 to show that for any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), and for \(x\) sufficiently large, the number of primes up to \((1-\epsilon ) n \log n\) is less than \(n\), and the number of primes up to \((1+\epsilon ) n \log n\) is greater than \(n\).

Corollary 10 pn_pn_plus_one

We have \(p_{n+1} - p_n = o(p_n)\) as \(n \to \infty \).


Easy consequence of preceding proposition.

Corollary 11 prime_between

For every \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), there is a prime between \(x\) and \((1+\epsilon )x\) for all sufficiently large \(x\).


Use Corollary 9 to show that \(\pi ((1+\epsilon )x) - \pi (x)\) goes to infinity as \(x \to \infty \).

Proposition 4

We have \(|\sum _{n \leq x} \frac{\mu (n)}{n}| \leq 1\).


From Möbius inversion \(1_{n=1} = \sum _{d|n} \mu (d)\) and summing we have

\[ 1 = \sum _{d \leq x} \mu (d) \lfloor \frac{x}{d} \rfloor \]

for any \(x \geq 1\). Since \(\lfloor \frac{x}{d} \rfloor = \frac{x}{d} - \epsilon _d\) with \(0 \leq \epsilon _d {\lt} 1\) and \(\epsilon _x = 0\), we conclude that

\[ 1 ≥ x \sum _{d \leq x} \frac{\mu (d)}{d} - (x - 1) \]

and the claim follows.

Proposition 5 Möbius form of prime number theorem

We have \(\sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) = o(x)\).


From the Dirichlet convolution identity

\[ \mu (n) \log n = - \sum _{d|n} \mu (d) \Lambda (n/d) \]

and summing we obtain

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) \log n = - \sum _{d \leq x} \mu (d) \sum _{m \leq x/d} \Lambda (m). \]

For any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), we have from the prime number theorem that

\[ \sum _{m \leq x/d} \Lambda (m) = x/d + O(\epsilon x/d) + O_\epsilon (1) \]

(divide into cases depending on whether \(x/d\) is large or small compared to \(\epsilon \)). We conclude that

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) \log n = - x \sum _{d \leq x} \frac{\mu (d)}{d} + O(\epsilon x \log x) + O_\epsilon (x). \]

Applying 4 we conclude that

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) \log n = O(\epsilon x \log x) + O_\epsilon (x). \]

and hence

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) \log x = O(\epsilon x \log x) + O_\epsilon (x) + O( \sum _{n \leq x} (\log x - \log n) ). \]

From Stirling’s formula one has

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} (\log x - \log n) = O(x) \]


\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) \log x = O(\epsilon x \log x) + O_\epsilon (x) \]

and thus

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n) = O(\epsilon x) + O_\epsilon (\frac{x}{\log x}). \]

Sending \(\epsilon \to 0\) we obtain the claim.

Proposition 6

We have \(\sum _{n \leq x} \lambda (n) = o(x)\).


From the identity

\[ \lambda (n) = \sum _{d^2|n} \mu (n/d^2) \]

and summing, we have

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \lambda (n) = \sum _{d \leq \sqrt{x}} \sum _{n \leq x/d^2} \mu (n). \]

For any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), we have from Proposition 5 that

\[ \sum _{n \leq x/d^2} \mu (n) = O(\epsilon x/d^2) + O_\epsilon (1) \]

and hence on summing in \(d\)

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \lambda (n) = O(\epsilon x) + O_\epsilon (x^{1/2}). \]

Sending \(\epsilon \to 0\) we obtain the claim.

Proposition 7 Alternate Möbius form of prime number theorem

We have \(\sum _{n \leq x} \mu (n)/n = o(1)\).


As in the proof of Theorem 4, we have

\[ 1 = \sum _{d \leq x} \mu (d) \lfloor \frac{x}{d} \rfloor \]
\[ = x \sum _{d \leq x} \frac{\mu (d)}{d} - \sum _{d \leq x} \mu (d) \{ \frac{x}{d} \} \]

so it will suffice to show that

\[ \sum _{d \leq x} \mu (d) \{ \frac{x}{d} \} = o(x). \]

Let \(N\) be a natural number. It suffices to show that

\[ \sum _{d \leq x} \mu (d) \{ \frac{x}{d} \} = O(x/N). \]

if \(x\) is large enough depending on \(N\). We can split the left-hand side as the sum of

\[ \sum _{d \leq x/N} \mu (d) \{ \frac{x}{d} \} \]


\[ \sum _{j=1}^{N-1} \sum _{x/(j+1) {\lt} d \leq x/j} \mu (d) (x/d - j). \]

The first term is clearly \(O(x/N)\). For the second term, we can use Theorem 5 and summation by parts (using the fact that \(x/d-j\) is monotone and bounded) to find that

\[ \sum _{x/(j+1) {\lt} d \leq x/j} \mu (d) (x/d - j) = o(x) \]

for any given \(j\), so in particular

\[ \sum _{x/(j+1) {\lt} d \leq x/j} \mu (d) (x/d - j) = O(x/N^2) \]

for all \(j=1,\dots ,N-1\) if \(x\) is large enough depending on \(N\). Summing all the bounds, we obtain the claim.

4.1 Consequences of the PNT in arithmetic progressions

Theorem 19 Prime number theorem in AP

If \(a\ (q)\) is a primitive residue class, then one has

\[ \sum _{p \leq x: p = a\ (q)} \log p = \frac{x}{\phi (q)} + o(x). \]

This is a routine modification of the proof of Theorem 17.

Corollary 12 Dirichlet’s theorem

Any primitive residue class contains an infinite number of primes.


If this were not the case, then the sum \(\sum _{p \leq x: p = a\ (q)} \log p\) would be bounded in \(x\), contradicting Theorem 19.



4.2 Consequences of the Chebotarev density theorem

Lemma 83 Cyclotomic Chebotarev

For any \(a\) coprime to \(m\),

\[ \sum _{N \mathfrak {p} \leq x; N \mathfrak {p} = a\ (m)} \log N \mathfrak {p} = \frac{1}{|G|} \sum _{N \mathfrak {p} \leq x} \log N \mathfrak {p}. \]

This should follow from Lemma 17 by a Fourier expansion.