Prime Number Theorem And ...

3 Second approach

3.1 Residue calculus on rectangles

This files gathers definitions and basic properties about rectangles.

The border of a rectangle is the union of its four sides.

Definition 1 RectangleBorder

A Rectangle’s border, given corners \(z\) and \(w\) is the union of the four sides.

Definition 2 RectangleIntegral

A RectangleIntegral of a function \(f\) is one over a rectangle determined by \(z\) and \(w\) in \(\mathbb {C}\). We will sometimes denote it by \(\int _{z}^{w} f\). (There is also a primed version, which is \(1/(2\pi i)\) times the original.)

It is very convenient to define integrals along vertical lines in the complex plane, as follows.

Definition 3 VerticalIntegral

Let \(f\) be a function from \(\mathbb {C}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\), and let \(\sigma \) be a real number. Then we define

\[ \int _{(\sigma )}f(s)ds = \int _{\sigma -i\infty }^{\sigma +i\infty }f(s)ds. \]

We also have a version with a factor of \(1/(2\pi i)\).

Theorem 3 existsDifferentiableOn_of_bddAbove

If \(f\) is differentiable on a set \(s\) except at \(c\in s\), and \(f\) is bounded above on \(s\setminus \{ c\} \), then there exists a differentiable function \(g\) on \(s\) such that \(f\) and \(g\) agree on \(s\setminus \{ c\} \).


This is the Riemann Removable Singularity Theorem, slightly rephrased from what’s in Mathlib. (We don’t care what the function \(g\) is, just that it’s holomorphic.)

Theorem 4 HolomorphicOn.vanishesOnRectangle

If \(f\) is holomorphic on a rectangle \(z\) and \(w\), then the integral of \(f\) over the rectangle with corners \(z\) and \(w\) is \(0\).


This is in a Mathlib PR.

The next lemma allows to zoom a big rectangle down to a small square, centered at a pole.

Lemma 18 RectanglePullToNhdOfPole

If \(f\) is holomorphic on a rectangle \(z\) and \(w\) except at a point \(p\), then the integral of \(f\) over the rectangle with corners \(z\) and \(w\) is the same as the integral of \(f\) over a small square centered at \(p\).


Chop the big rectangle with two vertical cuts and two horizontal cuts into smaller rectangles, the middle one being the desired square. The integral over each of the outer rectangles vanishes, since \(f\) is holomorphic there. (The constant \(c\) being “small enough” here just means that the inner square is strictly contained in the big rectangle.)

Lemma 19 ResidueTheoremAtOrigin

The rectangle (square) integral of \(f(s) = 1/s\) with corners \(-1-i\) and \(1+i\) is equal to \(2\pi i\).


This is a special case of the more general result above.

Lemma 20 ResidueTheoremOnRectangleWithSimplePole

Suppose that \(f\) is a holomorphic function on a rectangle, except for a simple pole at \(p\). By the latter, we mean that there is a function \(g\) holomorphic on the rectangle such that, \(f = g + A/(s-p)\) for some \(A\in \mathbb {C}\). Then the integral of \(f\) over the rectangle is \(A\).


Replace \(f\) with \(g + A/(s-p)\) in the integral. The integral of \(g\) vanishes by Lemma 4. To evaluate the integral of \(1/(s-p)\), pull everything to a square about the origin using Lemma 18, and rescale by \(c\); what remains is handled by Lemma 19.

3.2 Perron Formula

In this section, we prove the Perron formula, which plays a key role in our proof of Mellin inversion.

The following is preparatory material used in the proof of the Perron formula, see Lemma 32.

TODO : Move to general section

Lemma 21 limitOfConstant

Let \(a:\mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {C}\) be a function, and let \(\sigma {\gt}0\) be a real number. Suppose that, for all \(\sigma , \sigma '{\gt}0\), we have \(a(\sigma ')=a(\sigma )\), and that \(\lim _{\sigma \to \infty }a(\sigma )=0\). Then \(a(\sigma )=0\).

\begin{align*} \lim _{\sigma '\to \infty }a(\sigma ) & = \lim _{\sigma '\to \infty }a(\sigma ’) \\ & = 0 \end{align*}
Lemma 22 limitOfConstantLeft

Let \(a:\mathbb {R}\to \mathbb {C}\) be a function, and let \(\sigma {\lt}-3/2\) be a real number. Suppose that, for all \(\sigma , \sigma '{\gt}0\), we have \(a(\sigma ')=a(\sigma )\), and that \(\lim _{\sigma \to -\infty }a(\sigma )=0\). Then \(a(\sigma )=0\).

\begin{align*} \lim _{\sigma '\to -\infty }a(\sigma ) & = \lim _{\sigma '\to -\infty }a(\sigma ’) \\ & = 0 \end{align*}
Lemma 23 tendsto_rpow_atTop_nhds_zero_of_norm_lt_one

Let \(x{\gt}0\) and \(x{\lt}1\). Then

\[ \lim _{\sigma \to \infty }x^\sigma =0. \]


Lemma 24 tendsto_rpow_atTop_nhds_zero_of_norm_gt_one

Let \(x{\gt}1\). Then

\[ \lim _{\sigma \to -\infty }x^\sigma =0. \]


Lemma 25 isHolomorphicOn

Let \(x{\gt}0\). Then the function \(f(s) = x^s/(s(s+1))\) is holomorphic on the half-plane \(\{ s\in \mathbb {C}:\Re (s){\gt}0\} \).


Composition of differentiabilities.

Lemma 26 integralPosAux

The integral

\[ \int _\mathbb {R}\frac{1}{|(1+t^2)(2+t^2)|^{1/2}}dt \]

is positive (and hence convergent - since a divergent integral is zero in Lean, by definition).


This integral is between \(\frac{1}{2}\) and \(1\) of the integral of \(\frac{1}{1+t^2}\), which is \(\pi \).

Lemma 27 vertIntBound

Let \(x{\gt}0\) and \(\sigma {\gt}1\). Then

\[ \left| \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds\right| \leq x^\sigma \int _\mathbb {R}\frac{1}{|(1+t ^2)(2+t ^2)|^{1/2}}dt. \]

Triangle inequality and pointwise estimate.

Lemma 28 vertIntBoundLeft

Let \(x{\gt}1\) and \(\sigma {\lt}-3/2\). Then

\[ \left| \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds\right| \leq x^\sigma \int _\mathbb {R}\frac{1}{|(1/4+t ^2)(2+t ^2)|^{1/2}}dt. \]

Triangle inequality and pointwise estimate.

Lemma 29 isIntegrable

Let \(x{\gt}0\) and \(\sigma \in \mathbb {R}\). Then

\[ \int _{\mathbb {R}}\frac{x^{\sigma +it}}{(\sigma +it)(1+\sigma + it)}dt \]

is integrable.


By 25, \(f\) is continuous, so it is integrable on any interval.

Also, \(|f(x)| = \Theta (x^{-2})\) as \(x\to \infty \),

and \(|f(-x)| = \Theta (x^{-2})\) as \(x\to \infty \).

Since \(g(x) = x^{-2}\) is integrable on \([a,\infty )\) for any \(a{\gt}0\), we conclude.

Lemma 30 tendsto_zero_Lower

Let \(x{\gt}0\) and \(\sigma ',\sigma ''\in \mathbb {R}\). Then

\[ \int _{\sigma '}^{\sigma ''}\frac{x^{\sigma +it}}{(\sigma +it)(1+\sigma + it)}d\sigma \]

goes to \(0\) as \(t\to -\infty \).


The numerator is bounded and the denominator tends to infinity.

Lemma 31 tendsto_zero_Upper

Let \(x{\gt}0\) and \(\sigma ',\sigma ''\in \mathbb {R}\). Then

\[ \int _{\sigma '}^{\sigma ''}\frac{x^{\sigma +it}}{(\sigma +it)(1+\sigma + it)}d\sigma \]

goes to \(0\) as \(t\to \infty \).


The numerator is bounded and the denominator tends to infinity.

We are ready for the first case of the Perron formula, namely when \(x{\lt}1\):

Lemma 32 formulaLtOne

For \(x{\gt}0\), \(\sigma {\gt}0\), and \(x{\lt}1\), we have

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds =0. \]

Let \(f(s) = x^s/(s(s+1))\). Then \(f\) is holomorphic on the half-plane \(\{ s\in \mathbb {C}:\Re (s){\gt}0\} \). The rectangle integral of \(f\) with corners \(\sigma -iT\) and \(\sigma +iT\) is zero. The limit of this rectangle integral as \(T\to \infty \) is \(\int _{(\sigma ')}-\int _{(\sigma )}\). Therefore, \(\int _{(\sigma ')}=\int _{(\sigma )}\).

But we also have the bound \(\int _{(\sigma ')} \leq x^{\sigma '} * C\), where

\(C=\int _\mathbb {R}\frac{1}{|(1+t)(1+t+1)|}dt\).

Therefore \(\int _{(\sigma ')}\to 0\) as \(\sigma '\to \infty \).

The second case is when \(x{\gt}1\). Here are some auxiliary lemmata for the second case. TODO: Move to more general section

Lemma 33 keyIdentity

Let \(x\in \mathbb {R}\) and \(s \ne 0, -1\). Then

\[ \frac{x^\sigma }{s(1+s)} = \frac{x^\sigma }{s} - \frac{x^\sigma }{1+s} \]

By ring.

Lemma 34 diffBddAtZero

Let \(x{\gt}0\). Then for \(0 {\lt} c {\lt} 1 /2\), we have that the function

\[ s ↦ \frac{x^s}{s(s+1)} - \frac1s \]

is bounded above on the rectangle with corners at \(-c-i*c\) and \(c+i*c\) (except at \(s=0\)).


Applying Lemma 33, the function \(s ↦ x^s/s(s+1) - 1/s = x^s/s - x^0/s - x^s/(1+s)\). The last term is bounded for \(s\) away from \(-1\). The first two terms are the difference quotient of the function \(s ↦ x^s\) at \(0\); since it’s differentiable, the difference remains bounded as \(s\to 0\).

Lemma 35 diffBddAtNegOne

Let \(x{\gt}0\). Then for \(0 {\lt} c {\lt} 1 /2\), we have that the function

\[ s ↦ \frac{x^s}{s(s+1)} - \frac{-x^{-1}}{s+1} \]

is bounded above on the rectangle with corners at \(-1-c-i*c\) and \(-1+c+i*c\) (except at \(s=-1\)).


Applying Lemma 33, the function \(s ↦ x^s/s(s+1) - x^{-1}/(s+1) = x^s/s - x^s/(s+1) - (-x^{-1})/(s+1)\). The first term is bounded for \(s\) away from \(0\). The last two terms are the difference quotient of the function \(s ↦ x^s\) at \(-1\); since it’s differentiable, the difference remains bounded as \(s\to -1\).

Lemma 36 residueAtZero

Let \(x{\gt}0\). Then for all sufficiently small \(c{\gt}0\), we have that

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{-c-i*c}^{c+ i*c}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds = 1. \]

For \(c{\gt}0\) sufficiently small,

\(x^s/(s(s+1))\) is equal to \(1/s\) plus a function, \(g\), say, holomorphic in the whole rectangle (by Lemma 34).

Now apply Lemma 20.

Lemma 37 residueAtNegOne

Let \(x{\gt}0\). Then for all sufficiently small \(c{\gt}0\), we have that

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{-c-i*c-1}^{c+ i*c-1}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds = -\frac1x. \]

Compute the integral.

Lemma 38 residuePull1

For \(x{\gt}1\) (of course \(x{\gt}0\) would suffice) and \(\sigma {\gt}0\), we have

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds =1 + \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(-1/2)}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds. \]

We pull to a square with corners at \(-c-i*c\) and \(c+i*c\) for \(c{\gt}0\) sufficiently small. By Lemma 36, the integral over this square is equal to \(1\).

Lemma 39 residuePull2

For \(x{\gt}1\), we have

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(-1/2)}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds = -1/x + \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(-3/2)}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds. \]

Pull contour from \((-1/2)\) to \((-3/2)\).

Lemma 40 contourPull3

For \(x{\gt}1\) and \(\sigma {\lt}-3/2\), we have

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(-3/2)}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds = \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds. \]

Pull contour from \((-3/2)\) to \((\sigma )\).

Lemma 41 formulaGtOne

For \(x{\gt}1\) and \(\sigma {\gt}0\), we have

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds =1-1/x. \]

Let \(f(s) = x^s/(s(s+1))\). Then \(f\) is holomorphic on \(\mathbb {C}\setminus {0,-1}\).

First pull the contour from \((\sigma )\) to \((-1/2)\), picking up a residue \(1\) at \(s=0\).

Next pull the contour from \((-1/2)\) to \((-3/2)\), picking up a residue \(-1/x\) at \(s=-1\).

Then pull the contour all the way to \((\sigma ')\) with \(\sigma '{\lt}-3/2\).

For \(\sigma ' {\lt} -3/2\), the integral is bounded by \(x^{\sigma '}\int _\mathbb {R}\frac{1}{|(1+t ^2)(2+t ^2)|^{1/2}}dt\).

Therefore \(\int _{(\sigma ')}\to 0\) as \(\sigma '\to \infty \).

The two together give the Perron formula. (Which doesn’t need to be a separate lemma.)

For \(x{\gt}0\) and \(\sigma {\gt}0\), we have

\[ \frac1{2\pi i} \int _{(\sigma )}\frac{x^s}{s(s+1)}ds = \begin{cases} 1-\frac1x & \text{ if }x{\gt}1\\ 0 & \text{ if } x{\lt}1 \end{cases}. \]

3.3 Mellin transforms

Lemma 42 PartialIntegration

Let \(f, g\) be once differentiable functions from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) so that \(fg'\) and \(f'g\) are both integrable, and \(f\cdot g (x)\to 0\) as \(x\to 0^+,\infty \). Then

\[ \int _0^\infty f(x)g'(x) dx = -\int _0^\infty f'(x)g(x)dx. \]

Partial integration.

In this section, we define the Mellin transform (already in Mathlib, thanks to David Loeffler), prove its inversion formula, and derive a number of important properties of some special functions and bumpfunctions.

Def: (Already in Mathlib) Let \(f\) be a function from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\). We define the Mellin transform of \(f\) to be the function \(\mathcal{M}(f)\) from \(\mathbb {C}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) defined by

\[ \mathcal{M}(f)(s) = \int _0^\infty f(x)x^{s-1}dx. \]

[Note: My preferred way to think about this is that we are integrating over the multiplicative group \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\), multiplying by a (not necessarily unitary!) character \(|\cdot |^s\), and integrating with respect to the invariant Haar measure \(dx/x\). This is very useful in the kinds of calculations carried out below. But may be more difficult to formalize as things now stand. So we might have clunkier calculations, which “magically” turn out just right - of course they’re explained by the aforementioned structure...]

Definition 4 MellinTransform

Let \(f\) be a function from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\). We define the Mellin transform of \(f\) to be the function \(\mathcal{M}(f)\) from \(\mathbb {C}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) defined by

\[ \mathcal{M}(f)(s) = \int _0^\infty f(x)x^{s-1}dx. \]

[Note: already exists in Mathlib, with some good API.]

Definition 5 MellinInverseTransform

Let \(F\) be a function from \(\mathbb {C}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\). We define the Mellin inverse transform of \(F\) to be the function \(\mathcal{M}^{-1}(F)\) from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) defined by

\[ \mathcal{M}^{-1}(F)(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(\sigma )}F(s)x^{-s}ds, \]

where \(\sigma \) is sufficiently large (say \(\sigma {\gt}2\)).

Lemma 43 PerronInverseMellin_lt

Let \(0 {\lt} t {\lt} x\) and \(\sigma {\gt}0\). Then the inverse Mellin transform of the Perron function

\[ F: s\mapsto t^s/s(s+1) \]

is equal to

\[ \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(\sigma )}\frac{t^s}{s(s+1)}x^{-s}ds = 0. \]

This is a straightforward calculation.

Lemma 44 PerronInverseMellin_gt

Let \(0 {\lt} x {\lt} t\) and \(\sigma {\gt}0\). Then the inverse Mellin transform of the Perron function is equal to

\[ \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(\sigma )}\frac{t^s}{s(s+1)}x^{-s}ds = 1 - x / t. \]

This is a straightforward calculation.

Theorem 5 MellinInversion

Let \(f\) be a twice differentiable function from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\), and let \(\sigma \) be sufficiently large. Then

\[ f(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(\sigma )}\mathcal{M}(f)(s)x^{-s}ds. \]

The proof is from [Goldfeld-Kontorovich 2012]. Integrate by parts twice (assuming \(f\) is twice differentiable, and all occurring integrals converge absolutely, and boundary terms vanish).

\[ \mathcal{M}(f)(s) = \int _0^\infty f(x)x^{s-1}dx = - \int _0^\infty f'(x)x^s\frac{1}{s}dx = \int _0^\infty f''(x)x^{s+1}\frac{1}{s(s+1)}dx. \]

We now have at least quadratic decay in \(s\) of the Mellin transform. Inserting this formula into the inversion formula and Fubini-Tonelli (we now have absolute convergence!) gives:

\[ RHS = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\left(\int _{(\sigma )}\int _0^\infty f''(t)t^{s+1}\frac{1}{s(s+1)}dt\right) x^{-s}ds \]
\[ = \int _0^\infty f''(t) t \left( \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int _{(\sigma )}(t/x)^s\frac{1}{s(s+1)}ds\right) dt. \]

Apply the Perron formula to the inside:

\[ = \int _x^\infty f''(t) t \left(1-\frac{x}{t}\right)dt = -\int _x^\infty f'(t) dt = f(x), \]

where we integrated by parts (undoing the first partial integration), and finally applied the fundamental theorem of calculus (undoing the second).

Finally, we need Mellin Convolutions and properties thereof.

Definition 6 MellinConvolution

Let \(f\) and \(g\) be functions from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\). Then we define the Mellin convolution of \(f\) and \(g\) to be the function \(f\ast g\) from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) defined by

\[ (f\ast g)(x) = \int _0^\infty f(y)g(x/y)\frac{dy}{y}. \]

Let us start with a simple property of the Mellin convolution.

Lemma 45 MellinConvolutionSymmetric

Let \(f\) and \(g\) be functions from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {R}\) or \(\mathbb {C}\), for \(x\neq 0\),

\[ (f\ast g)(x)=(g\ast f)(x) . \]

By Definition 6,

\[ (f\ast g)(x) = \int _0^\infty f(y)g(x/y)\frac{dy}{y} \]

in which we change variables to \(z=x/y\):

\[ (f\ast g)(x) = \int _0^\infty f(x/z)g(z)\frac{dz}{z} =(g\ast f)(x) . \]

The Mellin transform of a convolution is the product of the Mellin transforms.

Theorem 6 MellinConvolutionTransform

Let \(f\) and \(g\) be functions from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) such that

\begin{equation} (x,y)\mapsto f(y)\frac{g(x/y)}yx^{s-1} \label{eq:assm_integrable_Mconv} \end{equation}

is absolutely integrable on \([0,\infty )^2\). Then

\[ \mathcal{M}(f\ast g)(s) = \mathcal{M}(f)(s)\mathcal{M}(g)(s). \]

By Definitions 4 and 6

\[ \mathcal M(f\ast g)(s)= \int _0^\infty \int _0^\infty f(y)g(x/y)x^{s-1}\frac{dy}ydx \]

By (??) and Fubini’s theorem,

\[ \mathcal M(f\ast g)(s)= \int _0^\infty \int _0^\infty f(y)g(x/y)x^{s-1}dx\frac{dy}y \]

in which we change variables from \(x\) to \(z=x/y\):

\[ \mathcal M(f\ast g)(s)= \int _0^\infty \int _0^\infty f(y)g(z)y^{s-1}z^{s-1}dzdy \]

which, by Definition 4, is

\[ \mathcal M(f\ast g)(s)= \mathcal M(f)(s)\mathcal M(g)(s) . \]

Let \(\nu \) be a bumpfunction.

Theorem 7 SmoothExistence

There exists a smooth (once differentiable would be enough), nonnegative “bumpfunction” \(\nu \), supported in \([1/2,2]\) with total mass one:

\[ \int _0^\infty \nu (x)\frac{dx}{x} = 1. \]

Same idea as Urysohn-type argument.

The \(\nu \) function has Mellin transform \(\mathcal{M}(\nu )(s)\) which is entire and decays (at least) like \(1/|s|\).

Theorem 8 MellinOfPsi

The Mellin transform of \(\nu \) is

\[ \mathcal{M}(\nu )(s) = O\left(\frac{1}{|s|}\right), \]

as \(|s|\to \infty \) with \(\sigma _1 \le \Re (s) \le 2\).

[Of course it decays faster than any power of \(|s|\), but it turns out that we will just need one power.]


Integrate by parts:

\[ \left|\int _0^\infty \nu (x)x^s\frac{dx}{x}\right| = \left|-\int _0^\infty \nu '(x)\frac{x^{s}}{s}dx\right| \]
\[ \le \frac{1}{|s|} \int _{1/2}^2|\nu '(x)|x^{\Re (s)}dx. \]

Since \(\Re (s)\) is bounded, the right-hand side is bounded by a constant times \(1/|s|\).

We can make a delta spike out of this bumpfunction, as follows.

Definition 7 DeltaSpike

Let \(\nu \) be a bumpfunction supported in \([1/2,2]\). Then for any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), we define the delta spike \(\nu _\epsilon \) to be the function from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) defined by

\[ \nu _\epsilon (x) = \frac{1}{\epsilon }\nu \left(x^{\frac{1}{\epsilon }}\right). \]

This spike still has mass one:

Lemma 46 DeltaSpikeMass

For any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), we have

\[ \int _0^\infty \nu _\epsilon (x)\frac{dx}{x} = 1. \]

Substitute \(y=x^{1/\epsilon }\), and use the fact that \(\nu \) has mass one, and that \(dx/x\) is Haar measure.

The Mellin transform of the delta spike is easy to compute.

Theorem 9 MellinOfDeltaSpike

For any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), the Mellin transform of \(\nu _\epsilon \) is

\[ \mathcal{M}(\nu _\epsilon )(s) = \mathcal{M}(\nu )\left(\epsilon s\right). \]

Substitute \(y=x^{1/\epsilon }\), use Haar measure; direct calculation.

In particular, for \(s=1\), we have that the Mellin transform of \(\nu _\epsilon \) is \(1+O(\epsilon )\).

Corollary 7 MellinOfDeltaSpikeAt1

For any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), we have

\[ \mathcal{M}(\nu _\epsilon )(1) = \mathcal{M}(\nu )(\epsilon ). \]

This is immediate from the above theorem.

Lemma 47 MellinOfDeltaSpikeAt1_asymp

As \(\epsilon \to 0\), we have

\[ \mathcal{M}(\nu _\epsilon )(1) = 1+O(\epsilon ). \]

By Lemma 7,

\[ \mathcal M(\nu _\epsilon )(1)=\mathcal M(\nu )(\epsilon ) \]

which by Definition 4 is

\[ \mathcal M(\nu )(\epsilon )=\int _0^\infty \nu (x)x^{\epsilon -1}dx . \]

Since \(\nu (x) x^{\epsilon -1}\) is integrable (because \(\nu \) is continuous and compactly supported),

\[ \mathcal M(\nu )(\epsilon )-\int _0^\infty \nu (x)\frac{dx}x=\int _0^\infty \nu (x)(x^{\epsilon -1}-x^{-1})dx . \]

By Taylor’s theorem,

\[ x^{\epsilon -1}-x^{-1}=O(\epsilon ) \]

so, since \(\nu \) is absolutely integrable,

\[ \mathcal M(\nu )(\epsilon )-\int _0^\infty \nu (x)\frac{dx}x=O(\epsilon ) . \]

We conclude the proof using Theorem 7.

Let \(1_{(0,1]}\) be the function from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) defined by

\[ 1_{(0,1]}(x) = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{ if }x\leq 1\\ 0 & \text{ if }x{\gt}1 \end{cases}. \]

This has Mellin transform

Theorem 10 MellinOf1

The Mellin transform of \(1_{(0,1]}\) is

\[ \mathcal{M}(1_{(0,1]})(s) = \frac{1}{s}. \]

[Note: this already exists in mathlib]


This is a straightforward calculation.

What will be essential for us is properties of the smooth version of \(1_{(0,1]}\), obtained as the Mellin convolution of \(1_{(0,1]}\) with \(\nu _\epsilon \).

Definition 8 Smooth1

Let \(\epsilon {\gt}0\). Then we define the smooth function \(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}\) from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) by

\[ \widetilde{1_{\epsilon }} = 1_{(0,1]}\ast \nu _\epsilon . \]

Let \(c:=2^\epsilon {\gt} 1\), in terms of which we wish to prove

\[ -1 {\lt} c \log c - c . \]

Letting \(f(x):=x\log x - x\), we can rewrite this as \(f(1) {\lt} f(c)\). Since

\[ \frac{d}{dx}f(x) = \log x {\gt} 0 , \]

\(f\) is monotone increasing on [1, ∞), and we are done.

In particular, we have the following two properties.

Lemma 48 Smooth1Properties_below

Fix \(\epsilon {\gt}0\). There is an absolute constant \(c{\gt}0\) so that: If \(0 {\lt} x \leq (1-c\epsilon )\), then

\[ \widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(x) = 1. \]

Opening the definition, we have that the Mellin convolution of \(1_{(0,1]}\) with \(\nu _\epsilon \) is

\[ \int _0^\infty 1_{(0,1]}(y)\nu _\epsilon (x/y)\frac{dy}{y} = \int _0^1 \nu _\epsilon (x/y)\frac{dy}{y}. \]

The support of \(\nu _\epsilon \) is contained in \([1/2^\epsilon ,2^\epsilon ]\), so it suffices to consider \(y \in [1/2^\epsilon x,2^\epsilon x]\) for nonzero contributions. If \(x {\lt} 2^{-\epsilon }\), then the integral is the same as that over \((0,\infty )\):

\[ \int _0^1 \nu _\epsilon (x/y)\frac{dy}{y} = \int _0^\infty \nu _\epsilon (x/y)\frac{dy}{y}, \]

in which we change variables to \(z=x/y\) (using \(x{\gt}0\)):

\[ \int _0^\infty \nu _\epsilon (x/y)\frac{dy}{y} = \int _0^\infty \nu _\epsilon (z)\frac{dz}{z}, \]

which is equal to one by Lemma 46. We then choose

\[ c:=\log 2, \]

which satisfies

\[ c {\gt} \frac{1-2^{-\epsilon }}\epsilon \]

by Lemma ??, so

\[ 1-c\epsilon {\lt} 2^{-\epsilon }. \]
Lemma 49 Smooth1Properties_above

Fix \(0{\lt}\epsilon {\lt}1\). There is an absolute constant \(c{\gt}0\) so that: if \(x\geq (1+c\epsilon )\), then

\[ \widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(x) = 0. \]

Again the Mellin convolution is

\[ \int _0^1 \nu _\epsilon (x/y)\frac{dy}{y}, \]

but now if \(x {\gt} 2^\epsilon \), then the support of \(\nu _\epsilon \) is disjoint from the region of integration, and hence the integral is zero. We choose

\[ c:=2\log 2 . \]

By Lemma ??,

\[ c {\gt} 2\frac{1-2^{-\epsilon }}\epsilon {\gt} 2^\epsilon \frac{1-2^{-\epsilon }}\epsilon = \frac{2^\epsilon -1}\epsilon , \]


\[ 1+c\epsilon {\gt} 2^\epsilon . \]
Lemma 50 Smooth1Nonneg

If \(\nu \) is nonnegative, then \(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(x)\) is nonnegative.


By Definitions 8, 6 and 7

\[ \widetilde{1_\epsilon }(x)=\int _0^\infty 1_{(0,1]}(y)\frac1\epsilon \nu ((x/y)^{\frac1\epsilon }) \frac{dy}y \]

and all the factors in the integrand are nonnegative.

Lemma 51 Smooth1LeOne

If \(\nu \) is nonnegative and has mass one, then \(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(x)\le 1\), \(\forall x{\gt}0\).


By Definitions 8, 6 and 7

\[ \widetilde{1_\epsilon }(x)=\int _0^\infty 1_{(0,1]}(y)\frac1\epsilon \nu ((x/y)^{\frac1\epsilon }) \frac{dy}y \]

and since \(1_{(0,1]}(y)\le 1\), and all the factors in the integrand are nonnegative,

\[ \widetilde{1_\epsilon }(x)\le \int _0^\infty \frac1\epsilon \nu ((x/y)^{\frac1\epsilon }) \frac{dy}y \]

(because in mathlib the integral of a non-integrable function is \(0\), for the inequality above to be true, we must prove that \(\nu ((x/y)^{\frac1\epsilon })/y\) is integrable; this follows from the computation below). We then change variables to \(z=(x/y)^{\frac1\epsilon }\):

\[ \widetilde{1_\epsilon }(x)\le \int _0^\infty \nu (z) \frac{dz}z \]

which by Theorem 7 is 1.

Combining the above, we have the following three Main Lemmata of this section on the Mellin transform of \(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}\).

Lemma 52 MellinOfSmooth1a

Fix \(\epsilon {\gt}0\). Then the Mellin transform of \(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}\) is

\[ \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) = \frac{1}{s}\left(\mathcal{M}(\nu )\left(\epsilon s\right)\right). \]

By Definition 8,

\[ \mathcal M(\widetilde{1_\epsilon })(s) =\mathcal M(1_{(0,1]}\ast \nu _\epsilon )(s) . \]

We wish to apply Theorem 6. To do so, we must prove that

\[ (x,y)\mapsto 1_{(0,1]}(y)\nu _\epsilon (x/y)/y \]

is integrable on \([0,\infty )^2\). It is actually easier to do this for the convolution: \(\nu _\epsilon \ast 1_{(0,1]}\), so we use Lemma 45: for \(x\neq 0\),

\[ 1_{(0,1]}\ast \nu _\epsilon (x)=\nu _\epsilon \ast 1_{(0,1]}(x) . \]

Now, for \(x=0\), both sides of the equation are 0, so the equation also holds for \(x=0\). Therefore,

\[ \mathcal M(\widetilde{1_\epsilon })(s) =\mathcal M(\nu _\epsilon \ast 1_{(0,1]})(s) . \]


\[ (x,y)\mapsto \nu _\epsilon (y)1_{(0,1]}(x/y)\frac{x^{s-1}}y \]

has compact support that is bounded away from \(y=0\) (specifically \(y\in [2^{-\epsilon },2^\epsilon ]\) and \(x\in (0,y]\)), so it is integrable. We can thus apply Theorem 6 and find

\[ \mathcal M(\widetilde{1_\epsilon })(s) =\mathcal M(\nu _\epsilon )(s)\mathcal M(1_{(0,1]})(s) . \]

By Lemmas 10 and 9,

\[ \mathcal M(\widetilde{1_\epsilon })(s) =\frac1s\mathcal M(\nu )(\epsilon s) . \]
Lemma 53 MellinOfSmooth1b

Given \(0{\lt}\sigma _1\le \sigma _2\), for any \(s\) such that \(\sigma _1\le \mathcal Re(s)\le \sigma _2\), we have

\[ \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) = O\left(\frac{1}{\epsilon |s|^2}\right). \]

Use Lemma 52 and the bound in Lemma 8.

Lemma 54 MellinOfSmooth1c

At \(s=1\), we have

\[ \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(1) = 1+O(\epsilon )). \]

Follows from Lemmas 52, 7 and 47.

Lemma 55 Smooth1ContinuousAt

Fix a nonnegative, continuously differentiable function \(F\) on \(\mathbb {R}\) with support in \([1/2,2]\). Then for any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), the function \(x \mapsto \int _{(0,\infty )} x^{1+it} \widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(x) dx\) is continuous at any \(y{\gt}0\).


Use Lemma ?? to write \(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(x)\) as an integral over an integral near \(1\), in particular avoiding the singularity at \(0\). The integrand may be bounded by \(2^{\epsilon }\nu _\epsilon (t)\) which is independent of \(x\) and we can use dominated convergence to prove continuity.

3.4 Zeta Bounds

Definition 9 riemannZeta0

For any natural \(N\ge 1\), we define

\[ \zeta _0(N,s) := \sum _{1\le n \le N} \frac1{n^s} + \frac{- N^{1-s}}{1-s} + \frac{-N^{-s}}{2} + s \int _N^\infty \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx \]
Lemma 56 sum_eq_int_deriv_aux

Let \(k \le a {\lt} b\le k+1\), with \(k\) an integer, and let \(\phi \) be continuously differentiable on \([a, b]\). Then

\[ \sum _{a {\lt} n \le b} \phi (n) = \int _a^b \phi (x) \, dx + \left(\lfloor b \rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - b\right) \phi (b) - \left(\lfloor a \rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - a\right) \phi (a) - \int _a^b \left(\lfloor x \rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - x\right) \phi '(x) \, dx. \]

Partial integration.

Lemma 57 sum_eq_int_deriv

Let \(a {\lt} b\), and let \(\phi \) be continuously differentiable on \([a, b]\). Then

\[ \sum _{a {\lt} n \le b} \phi (n) = \int _a^b \phi (x) \, dx + \left(\lfloor b \rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - b\right) \phi (b) - \left(\lfloor a \rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - a\right) \phi (a) - \int _a^b \left(\lfloor x \rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - x\right) \phi '(x) \, dx. \]

Apply Lemma 56 in blocks of length \(\le 1\).

Lemma 58 ZetaSum_aux1

Let \(0 {\lt} a {\lt} b\) be natural numbers and \(s\in \mathbb {C}\) with \(s \ne 1\) and \(s \ne 0\). Then

\[ \sum _{a {\lt} n \le b} \frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{b^{1-s} - a^{1-s}}{1-s} + \frac{b^{-s}-a^{-s}}{2} + s \int _a^b \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx. \]

Apply Lemma 57 to the function \(x \mapsto x^{-s}\).

Lemma 59 ZetaBnd_aux1a

For any \(0 {\lt} a {\lt} b\) and \(s \in \mathbb {C}\) with \(\sigma =\Re (s){\gt}0\),

\[ \int _a^b \left|\frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx\right| \le \frac{a^{-\sigma }-b^{-\sigma }}{\sigma }. \]

Apply the triangle inequality

\[ \left|\int _a^b \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx\right| \le \int _a^b \frac{1}{x^{\sigma +1}} \, dx, \]

and evaluate the integral.

Lemma 60 ZetaSum_aux2

Let \(N\) be a natural number and \(s\in \mathbb {C}\), \(\Re (s){\gt}1\). Then

\[ \sum _{N {\lt} n} \frac{1}{n^s} = \frac{- N^{1-s}}{1-s} + \frac{-N^{-s}}{2} + s \int _N^\infty \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx. \]

Apply Lemma 58 with \(a=N\) and \(b\to \infty \).

Lemma 61 ZetaBnd_aux1b

For any \(N\ge 1\) and \(s = \sigma + tI \in \mathbb {C}\), \(\sigma {\gt} 0\),

\[ \left| \int _N^\infty \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx \right| \le \frac{N^{-\sigma }}{\sigma }. \]

Apply Lemma 59 with \(a=N\) and \(b\to \infty \).

Lemma 62 ZetaBnd_aux1

For any \(N\ge 1\) and \(s = \sigma + tI \in \mathbb {C}\), \(\sigma =\in (0,2], 2 {\lt} |t|\),

\[ \left| s\int _N^\infty \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx \right| \le 2 |t| \frac{N^{-\sigma }}{\sigma }. \]

Apply Lemma 61 and estimate \(|s|\ll |t|\).

Big-Oh version of Lemma 62.

Lemma 63 ZetaBnd_aux1p

For any \(N\ge 1\) and \(s = \sigma + tI \in \mathbb {C}\), \(\sigma =\in (0,2], 2 {\lt} |t|\),

\[ \left| s\int _N^\infty \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx \right| \ll |t| \frac{N^{-\sigma }}{\sigma }. \]

Apply Lemma 61 and estimate \(|s|\ll |t|\).

Lemma 64 HolomorphicOn_Zeta0

For any \(N\ge 1\), the function \(\zeta _0(N,s)\) is holomorphic on \(\{ s\in \mathbb {C}\mid \Re (s){\gt}0 ∧ s \ne 1\} \).


The function \(\zeta _0(N,s)\) is a finite sum of entire functions, plus an integral that’s absolutely convergent on \(\{ s\in \mathbb {C}\mid \Re (s){\gt}0 ∧ s \ne 1\} \) by Lemma 61.

Lemma 65 isPathConnected_aux

The set \(\{ s\in \mathbb {C}\mid \Re (s){\gt}0 ∧ s \ne 1\} \) is path-connected.


Construct explicit paths from \(2\) to any point, either a line segment or two joined ones.

Lemma 66 Zeta0EqZeta

For \(\Re (s){\gt}0\), \(s\ne 1\), and for any \(N\),

\[ \zeta _0(N,s) = \zeta (s). \]

Use Lemma 60 and the Definition 9.

Lemma 67 ZetaBnd_aux2

Given \(n ≤ t\) and \(\sigma \) with \(1-A/\log t \le \sigma \), we have that

\[ |n^{-s}| \le n^{-1} e^A. \]

Use \(|n^{-s}| = n^{-\sigma } = e^{-\sigma \log n} \le \exp (-\left(1-\frac{A}{\log t}\right)\log n) \le n^{-1} e^A\), since \(n\le t\).

Lemma 68 ZetaUpperBnd

For any \(s = \sigma + tI \in \mathbb {C}\), \(1/2 \le \sigma \le 2, 3 {\lt} |t|\) and any \(0 {\lt} A {\lt} 1\) sufficiently small, and \(1-A/\log |t| \le \sigma \), we have

\[ |\zeta (s)| \ll \log t. \]

First replace \(\zeta (s)\) by \(\zeta _0(N,s)\) for \(N = \lfloor |t| \rfloor \). We estimate:

\[ |\zeta _0(N,s)| \ll \sum _{1\le n \le |t|} |n^{-s}| + \frac{- |t|^{1-\sigma }}{|1-s|} + \frac{-|t|^{-\sigma }}{2} + |t| \cdot |t| ^{-σ} / σ \]
\[ \ll e^A \sum _{1\le n {\lt} |t|} n^{-1} +|t|^{1-\sigma } \]

, where we used Lemma 67 and Lemma 62. The first term is \(\ll \log |t|\). For the second term, estimate

\[ |t|^{1-\sigma } \le |t|^{1-(1-A/\log |t|)} = |t|^{A/\log |t|} \ll 1. \]
Lemma 69 DerivUpperBnd_aux7

For any \(s = \sigma + tI \in \mathbb {C}\), \(1/2 \le \sigma \le 2, 3 {\lt} |t|\), and any \(0 {\lt} A {\lt} 1\) sufficiently small, and \(1-A/\log |t| \le \sigma \), we have

\[ \left\| s \cdot \int _{N}^{\infty } \left(\left\lfloor x \right\rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - x\right) \cdot x^{-s-1} \cdot (-\log x)\right\| \le 2 \cdot |t| \cdot N^{-\sigma } / \sigma \cdot \log |t|. \]

Estimate \(|s|= |\sigma + tI|\) by \(|s|\le 2 +|t| \le 2|t|\) (since \(|t|{\gt}3\)). Estimating \(|\left\lfloor x \right\rfloor +1/2-x|\) by \(1\), and using \(|x^{-s-1}| = x^{-\sigma -1}\), we have

\[ \left\| s \cdot \int _{N}^{\infty } \left(\left\lfloor x \right\rfloor + \frac{1}{2} - x\right) \cdot x^{-s-1} \cdot (-\log x)\right\| \le 2 \cdot |t| \int _{N}^{\infty } x^{-\sigma } \cdot (\log x). \]

For the last integral, integrate by parts, getting:

\[ \int _{N}^{\infty } x^{-\sigma -1} \cdot (\log x) = \frac{1}{\sigma }N^{-\sigma } \cdot \log N + \frac1{\sigma ^2} \cdot N^{-\sigma }. \]

Now use \(\log N \le \log |t|\) to get the result.

Lemma 70 ZetaDerivUpperBnd

For any \(s = \sigma + tI \in \mathbb {C}\), \(1/2 \le \sigma \le 2, 3 {\lt} |t|\), there is an \(A{\gt}0\) so that for \(1-A/\log t \le \sigma \), we have

\[ |\zeta '(s)| \ll \log ^2 t. \]

First replace \(\zeta (s)\) by \(\zeta _0(N,s)\) for \(N = \lfloor |t| \rfloor \). Differentiating term by term, we get:

\[ \zeta '(s) = -\sum _{1\le n {\lt} N} n^{-s} \log n + \frac{N^{1 - s}}{(1 - s)^2} + \frac{N^{1 - s} \log N}{1 - s} + \frac{N^{-s}\log N}{2} + \int _N^\infty \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx -s \int _N^\infty \log x \frac{\lfloor x\rfloor + 1/2 - x}{x^{s+1}} \, dx . \]

Estimate as before, with an extra factor of \(\log |t|\).

Lemma 71 ZetaNear1BndFilter

As \(\sigma \to 1^+\),

\[ |\zeta (\sigma )| \ll 1/(\sigma -1). \]

Zeta has a simple pole at \(s=1\). Equivalently, \(\zeta (s)(s-1)\) remains bounded near \(1\). Lots of ways to prove this. Probably the easiest one: use the expression for \(\zeta _0 (N,s)\) with \(N=1\) (the term \(N^{1-s}/(1-s)\) being the only unbounded one).

Lemma 72 ZetaNear1BndExact

There exists a \(c{\gt}0\) such that for all \(1 {\lt} \sigma ≤ 2\),

\[ |\zeta (\sigma )| ≤ c/(\sigma -1). \]

Split into two cases, use Lemma 71 for \(\sigma \) sufficiently small and continuity on a compact interval otherwise.

Lemma 73 ZetaInvBound1

For all \(\sigma {\gt}1\),

\[ 1/|\zeta (\sigma +it)| \le |\zeta (\sigma )|^{3/4}|\zeta (\sigma +2it)|^{1/4} \]

The identity

\[ 1 \le |\zeta (\sigma )|^3 |\zeta (\sigma +it)|^4 |\zeta (\sigma +2it)| \]

for \(\sigma {\gt}1\) is already proved by Michael Stoll in the EulerProducts PNT file.

Lemma 74 ZetaInvBound2

For \(\sigma {\gt}1\) (and \(\sigma \le 2\)),

\[ 1/|\zeta (\sigma +it)| \ll (\sigma -1)^{-3/4}(\log |t|)^{1/4}, \]

as \(|t|\to \infty \).


Combine Lemma 73 with the bounds in Lemmata 72 and 68.

Lemma 75 Zeta_eq_int_derivZeta

For any \(t\ne 0\) (so we don’t pass through the pole), and \(\sigma _1 {\lt} \sigma _2\),

\[ \int _{\sigma _1}^{\sigma _2}\zeta '(\sigma + it) dt = \zeta (\sigma _2+it) - \zeta (\sigma _1+it). \]

This is the fundamental theorem of calculus.

Lemma 76 Zeta_diff_Bnd

For any \(A{\gt}0\) sufficiently small, there is a constant \(C{\gt}0\) so that whenever \(1- A / \log t \le \sigma _1 {\lt} \sigma _2\le 2\) and \(3 {\lt} |t|\), we have that:

\[ |\zeta (\sigma _2 + it) - \zeta (\sigma _1 + it)| \le C (\log |t|)^2 (\sigma _2 - \sigma _1). \]

Use Lemma 75 and estimate trivially using Lemma 70.

Lemma 77 ZetaInvBnd

For any \(A{\gt}0\) sufficiently small, there is a constant \(C{\gt}0\) so that whenever \(1- A / \log ^9 |t| \le \sigma {\lt} 1\) and \(3 {\lt} |t|\), we have that:

\[ 1/|\zeta (\sigma +it)| \le C \log ^7 |t|. \]

Let \(\sigma \) be given in the prescribed range, and set \(\sigma ' := 1+ A / \log ^9 |t|\). Then

\[ |\zeta (\sigma +it)| \ge |\zeta (\sigma '+it)| - |\zeta (\sigma +it) - \zeta (\sigma '+it)| \ge C (\sigma '-1)^{3/4}\log |t|^{-1/4} - C \log ^2 |t| (\sigma '-\sigma ) \]
\[ \ge C A^{-3/4} \log |t|^{-7} - C \log ^2 |t| (2 A / \log ^9 |t|), \]

where we used Lemma 74 and Lemma 76. Now by making \(A\) sufficiently small (in particular, something like \(A = 1/16\) should work), we can guarantee that

\[ |\zeta (\sigma +it)| \ge \frac C2 (\log |t|)^{-7}, \]

as desired.

Lemma 78 LogDerivZetaBnd

There is an \(A{\gt}0\) so that for \(1-A/\log ^9 |t| \le \sigma {\lt} 1\) and \(3 {\lt} |t|\),

\[ |\frac{\zeta '}{\zeta } (\sigma +it)| \ll \log ^9 |t|. \]

Combine the bound on \(|\zeta '|\) from Lemma 70 with the bound on \(1/|\zeta |\) from Lemma 77.

Lemma 79 LogDerivZetaBndAlt

There is an \(A{\gt}0\) so that for \(1-A/\log ^9 |t| \le \sigma {\lt} 1\) and \(|t|\to \infty \),

\[ |\frac{\zeta '}{\zeta } (\sigma +it)| \ll \log ^9 |t|. \]

(Same statement but using big-Oh and filters.)


Same as above.

3.5 Proof of Medium PNT

The approach here is completely standard. We follow the use of \(\mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})\) as in Kontorovich 2015.

It has already been established that zeta doesn’t vanish on the 1 line, and has a pole at \(s=1\) of order 1. We also have the following.

Theorem 11 LogDerivativeDirichlet

We have that, for \(\Re (s){\gt}1\),

\[ -\frac{\zeta '(s)}{\zeta (s)} = \sum _{n=1}^\infty \frac{\Lambda (n)}{n^s}. \]

Already in Mathlib.

The main object of study is the following inverse Mellin-type transform, which will turn out to be a smoothed Chebyshev function.

Definition 10 SmoothedChebyshev

Fix \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), and a bumpfunction supported in \([1/2,2]\). Then we define the smoothed Chebyshev function \(\psi _{\epsilon }\) from \(\mathbb {R}_{{\gt}0}\) to \(\mathbb {C}\) by

\[ \psi _{\epsilon }(X) = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(2)}\frac{-\zeta '(s)}{\zeta (s)} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) X^{s}ds. \]
Lemma 80 SmoothedChebyshevDirichlet_aux_integrable

Fix a nonnegative, continuously differentiable function \(F\) on \(\mathbb {R}\) with support in \([1/2,2]\), and total mass one, \(\int _{(0,\infty )} F(x)/x dx = 1\). Then for any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), the function

\[ x \mapsto \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(2 + ix) \]

is integrable on \(\mathbb {R}\). ** Conditions are overkill; can remove some assumptions... **


By Lemma 53 the integrand is \(O(1/t^2)\) as \(t\rightarrow \infty \) and hence the function is integrable.

Lemma 81 SmoothedChebyshevDirichlet_aux_tsum_integral

Fix a nonnegative, continuously differentiable function \(F\) on \(\mathbb {R}\) with support in \([1/2,2]\), and total mass one, \(\int _{(0,\infty )} F(x)/x dx = 1\). Then for any \(\epsilon {\gt}0\), the function \(x \mapsto \sum _{n=1}^\infty \frac{\Lambda (n)}{n^{2+it}} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(2+it) x^{2+it}\) is equal to \(\sum _{n=1}^\infty \int _{(0,\infty )} \frac{\Lambda (n)}{n^{2+it}} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(2+it) x^{2+it}\). ** Conditions are overkill; can remove some assumptions...**


Interchange of summation and integration.

Inserting the Dirichlet series expansion of the log derivative of zeta, we get the following.

Theorem 12 SmoothedChebyshevDirichlet

We have that

\[ \psi _{\epsilon }(X) = \sum _{n=1}^\infty \Lambda (n)\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }}(n/X). \]

We have that

\[ \psi _{\epsilon }(X) = \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(2)}\sum _{n=1}^\infty \frac{\Lambda (n)}{n^s} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) X^{s}ds. \]

We have enough decay (thanks to quadratic decay of \(\mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})\)) to justify the interchange of summation and integration. We then get

\[ \psi _{\epsilon }(X) = \sum _{n=1}^\infty \Lambda (n)\frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{(2)} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) (n/X)^{-s} ds \]

and apply the Mellin inversion formula (Theorem 5).

Definition 11

The Chebyshev Psi function is defined as

\[ \psi (x) := \sum _{n \le x} \Lambda (n), \]

where \(\Lambda (n)\) is the von Mangoldt function.

The smoothed Chebyshev function is close to the actual Chebyshev function.

Theorem 13 SmoothedChebyshevClose

We have that

\[ \psi _{\epsilon }(X) = \psi (X) + O(\epsilon X \log X). \]

Take the difference. By Lemma 49 and 48, the sums agree except when \(1-c \epsilon \leq n/X \leq 1+c \epsilon \). This is an interval of length \(\ll \epsilon X\), and the summands are bounded by \(\Lambda (n) \ll \log X\).

Returning to the definition of \(\psi _{\epsilon }\), fix a large \(T\) to be chosen later, and pull contours (via rectangles!) to go from \(2\) up to \(2+iT\), then over to \(1+iT\), and up from there to \(1+i\infty \) (and symmetrically in the lower half plane). The rectangles involved are all where the integrand is holomorphic, so there is no change. We will do this in several stages

Theorem 14 SmoothedChebyshevPull1

We have that

\[ \psi _{\epsilon }(X) = \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(1) X^{1} + \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{\text{curve}}\frac{-\zeta '(s)}{\zeta (s)} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) X^{s}ds. \]

Pull rectangle contours and evaluate the pole at \(s=1\).

We insert this information in \(\psi _{\epsilon }\). We add and subtract the integral over the box \([1-\delta ,2] \times _{ℂ} [-T,T]\), which we evaluate as follows

Theorem 15 ZetaBoxEval

The rectangle integral over \([1-\delta ,2] \times _{ℂ} [-T,T]\) of the integrand in \(\psi _{\epsilon }\) is

\[ \frac{1}{2\pi i}\int _{\partial ([1-\delta ,2] \times _{ℂ} [-T,T])}\frac{-\zeta '(s)}{\zeta (s)} \mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(s) X^{s}ds = \frac{X^{1}}{1}\mathcal{M}(\widetilde{1_{\epsilon }})(1) = X\left(\mathcal{M}(\psi )\left(\epsilon \right)\right) = X(1+O(\epsilon )) . \]

Residue calculus / the argument principle.

It remains to estimate the contributions from the integrals over the curve \(\gamma = \gamma _1 + \gamma _2 + \gamma _3 + \gamma _4 +\gamma _5, \) where:

  • \(\gamma _1\) is the vertical segment from \(1-i\infty \) to \(1-iT\),

  • \(\gamma _2\) is the horizontal segment from \(1-iT\) to \(1-\delta -iT\),

  • \(\gamma _3\) is the vertical segment from \(1-\delta -iT\) to \(1-\delta +iT\),

  • \(\gamma _4\) is the horizontal segment from \(1-\delta +iT\) to \(1+iT\), and

  • \(\gamma _5\) is the vertical segment from \(1+iT\) to \(1+i\infty \).

3.6 MediumPNT

Theorem 16 MediumPNT

We have

\[ \sum _{n \leq x} \Lambda (n) = x + O(x \exp (-c(\log x)^{1/10})). \]

Evaluate the integrals.

3.7 Strong PNT

This section has been removed.