Represents the header of a TZif file, containing metadata about the file's structure.
- version : UInt8
The version of the TZif file format.
- isutcnt : UInt32
The count of UT local indicators in the file.
- isstdcnt : UInt32
The count of standard/wall indicators in the file.
- leapcnt : UInt32
The number of leap second records.
- timecnt : UInt32
The number of transition times in the file.
- typecnt : UInt32
The number of local time types in the file.
- charcnt : UInt32
The total number of characters used in abbreviations.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instReprHeader = { reprPrec := Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.reprHeader✝ }
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Represents the local time type information, including offset and daylight saving details.
- gmtOffset : Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.Int32✝
The GMT offset in seconds for this local time type.
- isDst : Bool
Indicates if this local time type observes daylight saving time.
- abbreviationIndex : UInt8
The index into the abbreviation string table for this time type.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instInhabitedLocalTimeType = { default := { gmtOffset := default, isDst := default, abbreviationIndex := default } }
Represents a leap second record, including the transition time and the correction applied.
- transitionTime : Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.Int64✝
The transition time of the leap second event.
- correction : Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.Int64✝
The correction applied during the leap second event in seconds.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instInhabitedLeapSecond = { default := { transitionTime := default, correction := default } }
Represents version 1 of the TZif format.
- header : Header
The header information of the TZif file.
- transitionTimes : Array Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.Int32✝
The array of transition times in seconds since the epoch.
The array of local time type indices corresponding to each transition time.
- localTimeTypes : Array LocalTimeType
The array of local time type structures.
The array of abbreviation strings used by local time types.
- leapSeconds : Array LeapSecond
The array of leap second records.
The array indicating whether each transition time uses wall clock time or standard time.
The array indicating whether each transition time uses universal time or local time.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instReprTZifV1 = { reprPrec := Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.reprTZifV1✝ }
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Represents version 2 of the TZif format, extending TZifV1 with an optional footer.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instReprTZifV2 = { reprPrec := Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.reprTZifV2✝ }
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instInhabitedTZifV2 = { default := { toTZifV1 := default, footer := default } }
Represents a TZif file, which can be either version 1 or version 2.
- v1 : TZifV1
The data for version 1 of the TZif file.
Optionally, the data for version 2 of the TZif file.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instReprTZif = { reprPrec := Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.reprTZif✝ }
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.instInhabitedTZif = { default := { v1 := default, v2 := default } }
Parses a TZif file, which may be in either version 1 or version 2 format.
- Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.parse = do let v1 ← Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.parseTZifV1✝ let v2 ← Std.Time.TimeZone.TZif.parseTZifV2✝ pure { v1 := v1, v2 := v2 }