Thin categories #
A thin category (also known as a sparse category) is a category with at most one morphism between
each pair of objects.
Examples include posets, but also some indexing categories (diagrams) for special shapes of
To construct a category instance one only needs to specify the category_struct
as the axioms hold for free.
If C
is thin, then the category of functors to C
is also thin.
Further, to show two objects are isomorphic in a thin category, it suffices only to give a morphism
in each direction.
Construct a category instance from a category_struct, using the fact that hom spaces are subsingletons to prove the axioms.
If C
is a thin category, then D ⥤ C
is a thin category.
To show X ≅ Y
in a thin category, it suffices to just give any morphism in each direction.
- CategoryTheory.iso_of_both_ways f g = { hom := f, inv := g, hom_inv_id := ⋯, inv_hom_id := ⋯ }