Integrals of Riemann, Henstock-Kurzweil, and McShane #
In this file we define the integral of a function over a box in ℝⁿ
. The same definition works for
Riemann, Henstock-Kurzweil, and McShane integrals.
As usual, we represent ℝⁿ
as the type of functions ι → ℝ
for some finite type ι
. A rectangular
box (l, u]
in ℝⁿ
is defined to be the set {x : ι → ℝ | ∀ i, l i < x i ∧ x i ≤ u i}
, see
Let vol
be a box-additive function on boxes in ℝⁿ
with codomain E →L[ℝ] F
. Given a function
f : ℝⁿ → E
, a box I
and a tagged partition π
of this box, the integral sum of f
over π
with respect to the volume vol
is the sum of vol J (f (π.tag J))
over all boxes of π
. Here
π.tag J
is the point (tag) in ℝⁿ
associated with the box J
The integral is defined as the limit of integral sums along a filter. Different filters correspond
to different integration theories. In order to avoid code duplication, all our definitions and
theorems take an argument l : BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams
. This is a type that holds three
boolean values, and encodes eight filters including those corresponding to Riemann,
Henstock-Kurzweil, and McShane integrals.
Following the design of infinite sums (see hasSum
and tsum
), we define a predicate
and a function BoxIntegral.integral
that returns a vector satisfying
the predicate or zero if the function is not integrable.
Then we prove some basic properties of box integrals (linearity, a formula for the integral of a
constant). We also prove a version of the Henstock-Sacks inequality (see
), prove
integrability of continuous functions, and provide a criterion for integrability w.r.t. a
non-Riemann filter (e.g., Henstock-Kurzweil and McShane).
Notation #
: local notation forι → ℝ
Tags #
Integral sum and its basic properties #
The integral sum of f : ℝⁿ → E
over a tagged prepartition π
w.r.t. box-additive volume vol
with codomain E →L[ℝ] F
is the sum of vol J (f (π.tag J))
over all boxes of π
- BoxIntegral.integralSum f vol π = ∑ J ∈ π.boxes, (vol J) (f (π.tag J))
Basic integrability theory #
The predicate HasIntegral I l f vol y
says that y
is the integral of f
over I
along l
w.r.t. volume vol
. This means that integral sums of f
tend to 𝓝 y
BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.toFilteriUnion I ⊤
- BoxIntegral.HasIntegral I l f vol y = Filter.Tendsto (BoxIntegral.integralSum f vol) (BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.toFilteriUnion I ⊤) (nhds y)
A function is integrable if there exists a vector that satisfies the HasIntegral
- BoxIntegral.Integrable I l f vol = ∃ (y : F), BoxIntegral.HasIntegral I l f vol y
The integral of a function f
over a box I
along a filter l
w.r.t. a volume vol
Returns zero on non-integrable functions.
- BoxIntegral.integral I l f vol = if h : BoxIntegral.Integrable I l f vol then Exists.choose h else 0
Reinterpret BoxIntegral.HasIntegral
as Filter.Tendsto
, e.g., dot-notation theorems
that are shadowed in the BoxIntegral.HasIntegral
The ε
definition of BoxIntegral.HasIntegral
Quite often it is more natural to prove an estimate of the form a * ε
, not ε
in the RHS of
, so we provide this auxiliary lemma.
In a complete space, a function is integrable if and only if its integral sums form a Cauchy
net. Here we restate this fact in terms of ∀ ε > 0, ∃ r, ...
The integral of a nonnegative function w.r.t. a volume generated by a locally-finite measure is nonnegative.
If ‖f x‖ ≤ g x
on [l, u]
and g
is integrable, then the norm of the integral of f
is less
than or equal to the integral of g
Henstock-Sacks inequality and integrability on subboxes #
Henstock-Sacks inequality for Henstock-Kurzweil integral says the following. Let f
be a function
integrable on a box I
; let r : ℝⁿ → (0, ∞)
be a function such that for any tagged partition of
subordinate to r
, the integral sum over this partition is ε
-close to the integral. Then for
any tagged prepartition (i.e. a finite collections of pairwise disjoint subboxes of I
with tagged
points) π
, the integral sum over π
differs from the integral of f
over the part of I
by π
by at most ε
. The actual statement in the library is a bit more complicated to make it work
for any BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams
. We formalize several versions of this inequality in
, and
Instead of using predicate assumptions on r
, we define
BoxIntegral.Integrable.convergenceR (h : integrable I l f vol) (ε : ℝ) (c : ℝ≥0) : ℝⁿ → (0, ∞)
to be a function r
such that
- if
, thenr
is a constant; - if
ε > 0
, then for any tagged partitionπ
subordinate tor
(more precisely, satisfying the predicatel.mem_base_set I c r
), the integral sum off
differs from the integral off
by at mostε
The proof is mostly based on [Russel A. Gordon, The integrals of Lebesgue, Denjoy, Perron, and Henstock][Gordon55].
If ε > 0
, then BoxIntegral.Integrable.convergenceR
is a function r : ℝ≥0 → ℝⁿ → (0, ∞)
such that for every c : ℝ≥0
, for every tagged partition π
subordinate to r
(and satisfying
additional distortion estimates if BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.bDistortion l = true
), the
corresponding integral sum is ε
-close to the integral.
If BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.bRiemann = true
, then r c x
does not depend on x
. If
ε ≤ 0
, then we use r c x = 1
- h.convergenceR ε = if hε : 0 < ε then ⋯.choose else fun (x : NNReal) (x : ι → ℝ) => ⟨1, BoxIntegral.Integrable.convergenceR.proof_3⟩
Henstock-Sacks inequality. Let r₁ r₂ : ℝⁿ → (0, ∞)
be a function such that for any tagged
partition of I
subordinate to rₖ
, k=1,2
, the integral sum of f
over this partition differs
from the integral of f
by at most εₖ
. Then for any two tagged prepartition π₁ π₂
to r₁
and r₂
respectively and covering the same part of I
, the integral sums of f
over these
prepartitions differ from each other by at most ε₁ + ε₂
The actual statement
- uses
instead of a predicate assumption onr
; - uses
instead of “subordinate tor
” to account for additional requirements like being a Henstock partition or having a bounded distortion.
See also BoxIntegral.Integrable.dist_integralSum_sum_integral_le_of_memBaseSet_of_iUnion_eq
If f
is integrable on I
along l
, then for two sufficiently fine tagged prepartitions
(in the sense of the filter BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.toFilter l I
) such that they cover
the same part of I
, the integral sums of f
over π₁
and π₂
are very close to each other.
If f
is integrable on a box I
along l
, then for any fixed subset s
of I
that can be
represented as a finite union of boxes, the integral sums of f
over tagged prepartitions that
cover exactly s
form a Cauchy “sequence” along l
If f
is integrable on a box I
, then it is integrable on any subbox of I
If f
is integrable on a box I
, then integral sums of f
over tagged prepartitions
that cover exactly a subbox J ≤ I
tend to the integral of f
over J
along l
Henstock-Sacks inequality. Let r : ℝⁿ → (0, ∞)
be a function such that for any tagged
partition of I
subordinate to r
, the integral sum of f
over this partition differs from the
integral of f
by at most ε
. Then for any tagged prepartition π
subordinate to r
, the
integral sum of f
over this prepartition differs from the integral of f
over the part of I
covered by π
by at most ε
The actual statement
- uses
instead of a predicate assumption onr
; - uses
instead of “subordinate tor
” to account for additional requirements like being a Henstock partition or having a bounded distortion; - takes an extra argument
π₀ : prepartition I
and an assumptionπ.Union = π₀.Union
instead of usingπ.to_prepartition
Henstock-Sacks inequality. Let r : ℝⁿ → (0, ∞)
be a function such that for any tagged
partition of I
subordinate to r
, the integral sum of f
over this partition differs from the
integral of f
by at most ε
. Then for any tagged prepartition π
subordinate to r
, the
integral sum of f
over this prepartition differs from the integral of f
over the part of I
covered by π
by at most ε
The actual statement
- uses
instead of a predicate assumption onr
; - uses
instead of “subordinate tor
” to account for additional requirements like being a Henstock partition or having a bounded distortion;
Integral sum of f
over a tagged prepartition π
such that π.Union = π₀.Union
tends to the
sum of integrals of f
over the boxes of π₀
If f
is integrable on I
, then fun J ↦ integral J l f vol
is box-additive on subboxes of
: if π₁
, π₂
are two prepartitions of I
covering the same part of I
, the sum of integrals
of f
over the boxes of π₁
is equal to the sum of integrals of f
over the boxes of π₂
See also BoxIntegral.Integrable.toBoxAdditive
for a bundled version.
If f
is integrable on I
, then fun J ↦ integral J l f vol
is box-additive on subboxes of
: if π₁
, π₂
are two prepartitions of I
covering the same part of I
, the sum of integrals
of f
over the boxes of π₁
is equal to the sum of integrals of f
over the boxes of π₂
See also BoxIntegral.Integrable.sum_integral_congr
for an unbundled version.
- h.toBoxAdditive = { toFun := fun (J : BoxIntegral.Box ι) => BoxIntegral.integral J l f vol, sum_partition_boxes' := ⋯ }
Integrability conditions #
A function that is bounded and a.e. continuous on a box I
is integrable on I
A function that is bounded on a box I
and a.e. continuous is integrable on I
This is a version of integrable_of_bounded_and_ae_continuousWithinAt
with a stronger continuity
assumption so that the user does not need to specialize the continuity assumption to each box on
which the theorem is to be applied.
A continuous function is box-integrable with respect to any locally finite measure.
This is true for any volume with bounded variation.
This is an auxiliary lemma used to prove two statements at once. Use one of the next two lemmas instead.
A function f
has Henstock (or ⊥
) integral over I
is equal to the value of a box-additive
function g
on I
provided that vol J (f x)
is sufficiently close to g J
for sufficiently
small boxes J ∋ x
. This lemma is useful to prove, e.g., to prove the Divergence theorem for
integral along ⊥
Let l
be either BoxIntegral.IntegrationParams.Henstock
or ⊥
. Let g
a box-additive function
on subboxes of I
. Suppose that there exists a nonnegative box-additive function B
and a
countable set s
with the following property.
For every c : ℝ≥0
, a point x ∈ I.Icc
, and a positive ε
there exists δ > 0
such that for any
box J ≤ I
such that
x ∈ J.Icc ⊆ Metric.closedBall x δ
;- if
(i.e.,l = ⊥
), then the distortion ofJ
is less than or equal toc
the distance between the term vol J (f x)
of an integral sum corresponding to J
and g J
less than or equal to ε
if x ∈ s
and is less than or equal to ε * B J
Then f
is integrable on I
along l
with integral g I
Suppose that there exists a nonnegative box-additive function B
with the following property.
For every c : ℝ≥0
, a point x ∈ I.Icc
, and a positive ε
there exists δ > 0
such that for any
box J ≤ I
such that
J.Icc ⊆ Metric.closedBall x δ
;- if
(i.e.,l = ⊥
), then the distortion ofJ
is less than or equal toc
the distance between the term vol J (f x)
of an integral sum corresponding to J
and g J
less than or equal to ε * B J
Then f
is McShane integrable on I
with integral g I